A Try At Haiku

Flood warnings are posted
Yet everything seems to be dry
Guess it will rain soon.

I feel the one lost
Who knows when I will again smile
I know someone cares.

To write gives me strength
The quiet time causes pain
So I stay busy.

Anyone can write
It takes just a few minutes
Words can be power.

About graypoet

Just one that at times puts the words to the page and lets them fall as they might.
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3 Responses to A Try At Haiku

  1. Phyllis Sears says:

    great poem but not everyone has the talent to put them together as you do

  2. Jeannie says:

    haiku and poetry are ‘escape’ for me–maybe even akin to a kind of therapy

  3. Your tries were splendid, my friend, keep at it….love to see more…

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